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페이스북 보내기 트위터 보내기 친구들에게 공유하기

The Social Relevance of Sports Today

On the surface, sports is just a competitive physical activity designed to give pleasure to participants and bring together people who want to watch athletes showcase their athletic prowess. The most common advocacies held by sports are physical fitness, sportsmanship, discipline, and teamwork. However, matches are also sometimes held to raise funds for certain causes such as cancer research. An example of this is the boat race between Oxford University and Cambridge University. This proves that through time, sports has evolved into something more. Because of its ability to gather vast sizes of audiences around the world, it has also become a perfect avenue for sending important messages about issues that concern many societies.

For athletes, sports may just be a profession that allows them to earn big bucks, making sports seem to be just a business enterprise. However, sports means a lot more to many people across cultures. It is not just between two athletes or teams competing against each other for recognition or a trophy. Sports is in every corner of society. It is common to see men playing basketball on the streets of many neighborhoods. If it’s not basketball, it could be just another form of sports like soccer, cricket, or chess. Many people agree that sports keeps the youth from getting in trouble. It has also given people hope and purpose. For these reasons, sports has become an important ally of society.

A perfect example of how sports means more than just a competition is the 120th Boston Marathon. Three years ago, the Boston Marathon Bombing left almost 300 fortunate survivors. This year, 21 survivors including those who lost their limbs competed in the yearly event. They each had different reasons for joining the marathon, but everything boils down to inspiring others and challenging oneself. Despite losing their limbs, many survivors tried their best to finish the race knowing that it is unlikely for them to finish first. This marathon showed that disability should not be a hindrance to one’s pursuit of success, and that sports is not just about winning. Trophies and titles can fade. However, the journey to the finish line and the lessons learned are things that irrevocably change a person.

People these days use various avenues to encourage people’s involvement in spreading awareness of certain social issues and inspire others to take action. People employ different methods to tackle issues like terrorism, cancer, racism, climate change, gender equality, and many more. It is undeniable that sports is one of the most vital instruments for addressing such issues. With the help of sports, people have become more involved in making a difference in society.

질문&어휘 문법TIPs 해석

1. Explain sports in your own words.

2. What is the importance of sports in society?

3. How is sports used to make an impact in society?

4. Explain the meaning of the underlined part.


showcase 공개적으로 보여주다/ 

prowess 기량/ 

advocacy 옹호, 지지/ 

vast 방대한/ 

avenue 거리/ 

ally 동맹국, 협력자/ 

hindrance 방해/ 

irrevocably 돌이킬 수 없게/

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