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페이스북 보내기 트위터 보내기 친구들에게 공유하기

Should the Trend of Staying Single be a Societal Problem?

People’s attitudes towards marriage have changed over the years. In Western cultures, staying single is a common societal norm. In Asian cultures, however, it is still slowly getting acknowledged.

People choose to stay single for reasons such as financial conveniences and individualistic ideals. The conservative nature of many Asian cultures raises the question on whether this trend should be a concern or not.

The roles of men and women have changed over the years. Supporters of this trend emphasize the fact that women no longer dream of finding a good man for financial support and security. Education has empowered women to forge their own paths and redefine their purposes in society. It also made them self-reliant and self-determined. For instance, many women today no longer feel that their roles are only limited to childbearing and homemaking.

Moreover, men and women these days have become more empowered than ever to defy societal norms in the name of individualism. Alongside empowerment is the freedom of choice that should be respected. Also, not everyone is built for marriage which is the reason why a lot of marriages fail.

Finally, staying single is accompanied by incentives enjoyed by many single people. To explain further, many people value independence and financial freedom that cannot be fully enjoyed when one is in a marriage or in a committed relationship.

On the other hand, supporters of marriage say that families are the building blocks of any society. Marriage is the stepping stone that helps people achieve a society that shares common values and aspirations and preserves the continuity of its traditions. For these reasons, the value of marriage needs to be made constant amidst all the rapid changes and challenges that many societies are facing, like decreasing population, for instance.

Furthermore, living life alone should be discouraged because finding a partner to build a family with is a natural part of one’s life cycle. Humans are social beings who are not built to live in isolation. Finding a companion to love, lean on, and grow old with is a basic human need.

Lastly, marriage provides security and empowers couples. A relationship that is recognized by the law guarantees a lot of benefits. For instance, a partner can make decisions on behalf of the other partner on issues including health care and finances. On the contrary, single people who do not have significant others do not have anyone to depend on in times of dire need.

질문&어휘 문법TIPs 해석

People’s attitudes towards marriage have changed over the years. Staying single is a choice made for reasons like individualistic ideals and financial conveniences. The conservative nature of many Asian cultures raises the question on whether this trend should be a concern or not. What do you think?

1. Many women no longer dream of finding a good man for financial support and security.
2. People have become more empowered than ever to defy societal norms in the name of individualism.
3. Staying single is accompanied by incentives enjoyed by many single people.

1. Families are the building blocks of any society and marriage is their foundation.
2. Finding a partner to build a family with is a natural part of one’s life cycle.
3. Marriage provides security and empowers couples.


forge 구축하다

homemaking 가사

individualism 개인주의

stepping stone 디딤돌

isolation 고립

companion 동반자

dire need 긴박한 필요

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