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Christopher Nolan’s New Cinematic Achievement

Christopher Nolan is a renowned, multi-awarded, and well-loved British film director who is best known for the popular and critical success of “The Dark Knight” trilogy, “Inception,” and “Interstellar.” He is considered an intelligent and sophisticated director known for his effective use of camera work and sound to build anticipation in audiences. Many of his films are admired, analyzed, and debated by a broad range of audiences, from ordinary moviegoers to critics and academics.

His most recent work, “Dunkirk,” a war film set in the Second World War, was released in theaters in July. It is his first historical film. The film received overwhelming positive reviews from different aggregate review websites like Rotten Tomatoes and Metacritic. Entertainment magazines also gave rave reviews about the film, and many consider it Nolan’s best film so far. Many people say that the film stands out from other WWII films.

The cast includes by Fionn Whitehead, Tom Glyn-Carney, Jack Lowden, Harry Styles, Aneurin Barnard, James D’arcy, and many others. The story is about the Dunkirk evacuation, the evacuation of British forces from the shores and dock of Dunkirk, France after the Battle of France in 1940. The film is told from three perspectives — the air (planes), the land (on the beach), and the sea (the evacuation by the navy).

The story of Dunkirk is something that Christopher Nolan grew up with. The conceptualization of the film happened 25 years ago when Christopher Nolan and his wife Emma Thomas crossed the English Channel to Dunkirk. Christopher Nolan conducted a great deal of research for the film. He also drew inspiration from different films including war films. Although Dunkirk is a film set in the WWII, he intended for the film to be about survival rather than war.

Christopher Nolan was surprised that the Dunkirk evacuation has never made it in modern cinema, and that has created an opportunity for him to be the storyteller of what he considers to be one of the greatest stories of human history. One of his goals in creating the film was to make viewers feel as if they were on the shores of Dunkirk.

질문&어휘 문법TIPs 해석

1. Who is Christopher Nolan?

2. What happened in Dunkirk in the WWII?

3. What do critics have to say about Nolan’s new film?


cinematic 영화의

trilogy 3부작

sophisticated 세련된, 정교한

anticipation 예상, 기대

aggregate 전체, 총합

evacuation 철수

perspective 관점, 시각

conceptualization 개념화

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