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Experiencing Music through Music Videos

Music videos are important in the entertainment industry. They are integral in the promotion of artists, and more importantly, their tracks. Any new song needs to be accompanied by a music video to attract audiences. Music videos are among the most effective marketing tools for showcasing artists or bands and their songs. They give audiences an opportunity to experience music visually through the help of the imagery that accompanies the song.

An illustrated song has set the beginnings of music videos. It is a type of performance art that uses projected still images on a screen while a live performance is ongoing. It was first used in the United States in 1894 to promote a song called “The Little Lost Child.”

In the 1940s, a musician called Louis Jordan, also known as the “The King of the Jukebox” made short films for his songs which are now considered the ancestors of music videos as we know today. The one considered to be the first music video is called “Bohemian Rhapsody” by a British rock band named Queen. Music videos finally mainstreamed in the 1990s when a U.S. video channel called MTV was launched. This TV channel made it possible for viewers to watch music videos 24/7. Music videos used to be shown only on selected channels on TV until early 2000s. However, the Internet has made promotion of music much easier and faster since 2005.

There are three different music video classifications. The narrative-based type of music videos uses a storyline relating to the lyrics of a particular song. It is best used for songs that are featured in motion pictures and TV dramas with their scenes included and inserted into the music video. A good example of this is “My Heart Will Go On” by Celine Dion from the worldwide phenomenon “Titanic.” Next is the performance-based type which features an artist or a band performing or dancing for the camera or an audience. Good examples are Beyoncé’s “All the Single Ladies,” EXO’s “Overdose,” and TWICE’s “Like OOH-AAH.” The third type is concept-based music videos. This type usually uses metaphors, concentrates on a concept or an idea, and utilizes a unique filming technique and particular editing styles.

The production of music videos is complex. Music videos are perfect demonstrations of how different artists collaborate to produce a piece of art for the enjoyment of diverse audiences. Even those who are not music lovers can be entertained by music videos.

질문&어휘 문법TIPs 해석

1. How did music videos begin?

2. What is the importance of music videos?

3. What are the classifications of music videos?


integral 필수적인/ 

imagery 이미지, 형상화/ 

storyline 줄거리/ 

metaphor 은유/ 

editing 편집/ 

collaborate 공동으로 작업을 하다, 협력하다/

자료제공 EDU TIMES EBS english 컨텐츠 제공

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