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Educational Attainment and Employment

Some strongly believe that a person’s grasp of academic theory is very necessary for him or her to become a qualified professional. For them, educational attainment is the most important factor in employment because of different reasons.

First, people need formal education to learn the proper knowledge and skills required in a certain field. The information that people get from formal education can equip them with the theoretical knowledge that they can apply as professionals. Usually, employers prefer those who have deeper theoretical knowledge because those people can do more for them.

Second, getting a higher educational attainment helps people become more mature and connected with a bigger world. As people pursue higher levels of education, they mingle with people who have more technical and practical knowledge. Through their academic pursuit, they can acquire the knowledge and skills they need for their chosen fields, and they can create a network or a support system that can help them improve once they become professionals.

Lastly, the competition in the corporate world has become very fierce over the years. Gone are the days when employers merely focus on a person’s practical experiences and good character. Employers now look for the most educated people who can be part of their team, so people need to invest in education for them to have an edge over their competitors.

On the other hand, there are people who do not agree that one’s educational attainment should make a difference in seeking employment opportunities. They also say that a person’s educational attainment is not the most important factor in employment.

First, the theoretical knowledge that people learn from educational institutions would be useless if they do not know how to apply them in the real world. Instead of focusing on what school records show, employers should focus on people’s ability to work properly and their willingness to learn.

Second, the educational system has now become too commercialized that even undeserving students can earn a degree even without having the skill set that employers need. Degree-granting has been commoditized, so it should not be the major basis for employment.

Lastly, a person’s high educational attainment does not automatically imply that he or she will become a good employee. Employers should focus on a person’s qualities, such as work ethic and social skills, that will put him or her above those who have the same technical and theoretical knowledge.

질문&어휘 문법TIPs 해석

People have different opinions about the importance of one’s educational attainment in seeking employment opportunities. Some say it is the most important factor while others say it should not make a big difference for employers as they look for potential employees. What can you say about this? Do you agree that one’s educational attainment is the most important factor in employment?

1. People need in-depth theoretical knowledge for them to be valuable to employers.
2. People can become mature and connected to a bigger world because of education.
3. People need to invest in education because of the steep competition in the corporate world.

1. Instead of focusing on school records, employers should focus on people’s ability to work properly and their willingness to learn.
2. Degree-granting has been commoditized that even undeserving students can earn a college degree.
3. A person’s high educational attainment does not automatically imply that he or she will become a good employee.


grasp 파악, 이해

attainment 달성, 성과

equip 갖추도록 하다

pursue 추구하다

mingle 섞이다

corporate 기업의

merely 그저, 한낱

commercialized, commoditized 상업화된

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