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Zombie Entertainment

Zombies are fictional reanimated human corpses. They are usually seen in horror and fantasy movies and TV shows. Zombies are commonly associated with Haitian folklore. However, the concept of zombiesis not exclusive to Haitian folklore. Different cultures have different terminologies for zombies. Earlier versions of zombies are corpses that are reanimated through magic. Contrary to this, modern zombies are usually results of exposure to radiation, diseases, and scientific disasters.

The earliest modern literatures that depicted the living dead include Mary Shelley’s “Frankenstein.” Although Frankenstein isn’t strictly a zombie story,its portrayal of how corpses are resurrected departed from folklore and magic, and leaned towards science.

The earliest films featuring zombies include the American film “White Zombie” which was released in 1932. Recent depictions of zombies are often interwoven with science-fiction as set by the 1968 film “Night of the Living Dead” by George A. Romero who is known for his horror films about imagined zombie apocalypse.

The 2000s is a period in which zombie films and TV series experienced revival through blockbuster movies. In 2013, the movie “World War Z” starring Brad Pitt was originally anticipated to fail, but enjoyed enormous critical acclaim and gross earnings. In 2016, Korea’s “Train to Busan” also gained worldwide popularity right after it was released. It became the all-time highest-grossing Korean film in Malaysia and Hong Kong.

According to Mark Brooks, writer of the book “World War Z,” people watch zombie movies and shows not only to be entertained but also to have an avenue for them to channel their worries about apocalyptic events. Moreover, the horror genre allows people to come to terms with what subconsciously terrifies them about all things supernatural. On the other hand, the zombie subgenre allows people to address their fear that the world may soon succumb to chaos brought by pandemics, climate change, and terrorist attacks.

Because zombies have become marketable, they are now considered a separate horror subgenre. Zombies are also common in comic books, art, gaming, and music. Aside from the adrenaline-pumping and entertaining element of the zombie subgenre, it plays into people’s survival instincts and interest in how the world would come to an end through the common zombie apocalyptic themes which depict the breakdown of societies resulting from an initial zombie outbreak.

질문&어휘 문법TIPs 해석

1. What is a zombie and where do you often see them portrayed?

2. What zombie movies have become successful and when did they become blockbuster hits?

3. Why is the zombie subgenre popular?


reanimate 되살리다, 소생시키다/ 

corpse 시체/

resurrect 부활시키다/ 

interwoven with…와 뒤섞인/ 

acclaim 찬사/ 

all-time 공전의/ 

succumb to ~에 굴복하다/ 

pandemic 유행병/

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