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Privacy on the Internet and Social Media

The Internet is one of the most useful technologies that people use today. Unfortunately, the Internet has also become a place for cyber bullying and a breeding ground for cybercriminals. Because of these, many social media companies like Facebook do their best to educate users about the vulnerability of people’s privacy on social media.

Despite the emphasis being put on Internet privacy these days, many people say that most users still enter their information on social media and other websites without stopping to think about their privacy. This act of negligence leads other people to question whether users should even be entitled to privacy in the first place.

Social media and Internet privacy advocates explain that people are much more vulnerable to identity theft with the advent of the social media which is why Internet privacy is all the more necessary. Browsing social networking websites for personal details published by users is often one of the techniques for obtaining and exploiting personal information for identity theft.

Also, there are many Internet “predators” out there who prey not only on adult Internet users but also on minors. Keeping good privacy settings prevents users from being reached by strangers. Many users have already fallen victim to strangers who, at first, attempt to start an innocent conversation. Such interactions can end up putting users in danger.

Lastly, behavioral targeting is prevalent on the Internet these days. Marketers present users with advertisements that seem to match their interests and lifestyle based on the information that users put on websites and search engines that they visit.

On the other hand, people who are not really concerned about social media and Internet privacy assert that if people have nothing to hide, they should not be scared for their privacy unless there are illegal activities in danger of being uncovered.

Additionally, the moment that Internet users sign up for social media, they understand that privacy goes out the window. Being an Internet user comes with the understanding that the Internet is very similar to a public place where information can reach hundreds, thousands, and even millions of users once the submit button is clicked.

Finally, nothing is private on social media. The word “social” itself relates to people and interconnectedness. Therefore, social media is a place where people intentionally share information about themselves, their ideas, their lives, their daily activities, and whatnots.

질문&어휘 문법TIPs 해석

1. People are much more vulnerable to identity theft with the advent of the social media.

2. There are many Internet “predators” who prey not only on adult Internet users.

3. Behavioral targeting is prevalent on the Internet these days.


cyber bullying 사이버 왕따

vulnerability 취약성

advocate 옹호자

identity theft 신원 도용

predator 포식자

submit 제출하다

s 상호 연결됨

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