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페이스북 보내기 트위터 보내기 친구들에게 공유하기

That Special Taxi Ride

“A Taxi Driver” is a South Korean film released in theaters in August. The lead characters in the movie are played by Song Kang-ho, a South Korean actor who is best known for his role as a North Korean sergeant in “Joint Security Area/JSA,” and Thomas Krethschmann, a German actor who is best known for his role in Roman Polanski’s critically acclaimed film “The Pianist.”

“A Taxi Driver,” is set in 1980 South Korea. Song Kang-ho plays the role of Man-seob, a single father who raises his young daughter and works as a taxi driver in Seoul. After his wife passed away, he is left with huge amounts of hospital bills to pay.

Costarring Song Kang-ho is Thomas Krethschmann who plays the role of Jurgen Hinzpeter, a German journalist who offers to pay Man-seob in exchange for a ride from Seoul to Gwangju and back. With a hidden agenda to investigate the events in Gwangju, Jurgen Hinzpeter sets off on a journey with Man-seob. They arrive in the city which is under siege by the military government. Students lead Gwangju citizens in a demonstration for democracy. The story of the Gwangju Democratization Movement is told through the eyes of the two outsiders.

The Gwangju Democratization Movement, also known as the Gwangju Uprising, is an uprising that happened from May 18 to May 27, 1980 in the city of Gwangju, South Korea. The uprising was triggered by an unprecedented attack by government troops who beat and killed students of the Chonnam University. The students were demonstrating against the Chun Doo-hwan government. Although the uprising was a failure, it played an important role in the achievement of democracy in South Korea. Over 100 protesters were killed by the military, but the number of casualties still remains under contention.

“A Taxi Driver” is directed by Jang Hoon who is known for the Korean War film “The Frontline.”

According to reports, the film caught the eyes of foreign buyers and distributors during the 2017 Cannes Festival. It was also chosen as the closing film in the 2017 Fantasia Film Festival in Canada.

질문&어휘 문법TIPs 해석

1. Who are the lead characters in “A Taxi Driver?”


2. What is “A Taxi Driver” about?


3. What is the Gwangju Democratization Movement?


sergeant 중사

acclaimed 칭찬을 받은

hidden agenda 숨은 의도

investigate 조사하다

unprecedented 전례 없는

achievement 성취

contention 논쟁

distributor 배급업자

자료제공 EDU TIMES EBS english 컨텐츠 제공

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