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Capturing the Birth of Korean Democracy on Film

South Korean cinema ended 2017 on a high note with the success of highly acclaimed and box office domestic films. Even with the release of international films such as“Star Wars: The Last Jedi,”and “Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle,” two Korean films, “Along with the Gods: The Two Worlds” and the historical drama film “1987: When the Day Comes,” dominated moviehouses all over the country.

“1987: When the Day Comes,” directed by Jang Joon-hwan,not only made noise among Koreans but also among foreign audiences. It tells the story of thenationwide protestsheld from June 10 to June 29, 1987 against the oppressive military regimeunderformerPresident Chun Doo-hwan.The protests, also known asthe June Democracy Movement,resulted inthe establishment of the present-day South Korean government. The movie depictshow the deathofstudent activist Park Jong-chulled to the birth of South Korean democracy.

The plot of the movie revolves around how different forces try to cover up the truth about the death of Park Jong-chul and how people from different walks of lifeunite to uncover it. The role of a female character named Yeon-hee is also central to the story because of her impressive character development, showing how she slowly changes her stand toward the pro-democracy movement after realizing that the movement affects her in more ways than she thought and how this realization pushed her to join millions of Korean protesters.

The characters of the movie were played by a stellar cast with Kim Yoon-seokplaying the role of Park Cheo-won(a commissioner), Ha Jung-woo playing the role of Choi Hwan(a prosecutor),YooHae-jinplaying the role of Han Byung-yong(a warder), Kim Tae-riplaying the role of Yeon-hee, Park Hee-soon playing the role of Jo Han-gyeong(a lieutenant),and Lee Hee-joonplaying the role of Yoon Sang-sam(a reporter). Most of these characters are based on real-life figures except for the fictionalcharacter of Yeon-hee.

Among the many moviegoers who saw the dramatization of the June Democracy Movement are President Moon Jae-in and First Lady Kim Jung-sook. In front of an audience in a cinema in Seoul, the president said that he was touched and brought to tears by the movie. He added that the movie showed how change, although it doesn’t happen suddenly, can be achieved with the help of peoplewho muster upall the power, like Yeon-hee did,to change the world.

질문&어휘 문법TIPs 해석

1. Why is the end of 2017 a good year for South Korean cinema?

2. What is the story of "1987: When the Day Comes" all about?

3. What did President Moon say about the film?


acclaimed 칭찬을 받은 / historical 역사의 / oppressive 압제적인 / commissioner 경찰 본부장 / prosecutor 검사 / warder 교도관 / lieutenant 경위 / muster 모이다, 집합시키다

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