
텝스비법노트 텝스학습에 성공한 고수들의 비법이나 좋은 학습 방법을 나누는 게시판입니다.


한 눈에 보이는 문법 공식 (2)부정사

맘마미아 | 조회 5405 | 추천 14
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  • 확대
  • 축소
2. 부정사

1) to 부정사를 목적어로 취하는 동사 확인

point) wish, hope, afford, agree, attempt, appear, decide, happen, hope

learn, manage, promise, plan, refuse, seem, intend, want + to 동/원

ex) We decided (to go/going) out because of good weather.

They agreed (lending/to lend) me some money.

We planned (going/to go) to the Gold museum.

We can't afford (buying/to buy) the sports car.

They refused (obeying/to obey) the school regulations.


1. I refuse (meeting/to meet) such a liar.

2. It was late, so we decided (talking/to take) a taxi home.

3. Fortunately, I happened (sitting/to sit) by a handsome boy in the train.

4. My father promised (giving/to give) me a costly digital camera.

2) to 부정사를 목적보어로 취하는 동사

point) 주어 + 동사(ask, allow, advise, cause + 목적어 + to 동/원 ~ .

enable, encourage, expect

force, forbid, get, invite, order

permit, persuade, teach, tell, warn)

ex) Encourage your daughter (join/to join) sports clubs at school.

I told Tom (help/to help) me.



1. I wouldn't advise you (stay/to stay) at the inn.

2. The heavy traffic caused us (be/to be) late for the appointment.

3. The extra money enabled the couple (stay/to stay) longer in the hotel.

4. The university doesn't allow students (bring/to bring) food into the


S+V only to 동/원: S+V 결국엔 -하다

I studied hard only to fail: 난 공부를 열심히 했지만 결국 실해했다

S+V never to 동/원: S+V 결국엔 -하지 않다

She whispered good bye and got on the plane, never to return again.

: 그녀는 안녕이라 말하고 비행기에 탔지만 결국 다시는 돌아오지 않았다

3) 원형 부정사를 목적보어로 취하는 동사


주어 + 지각(see/watch/smell/taste/hear/feel/notice) + 목적어(능동 의미) + 동/원(ing)

+ help + 목적어 + (to) 동/원

+ 사역(make/have/let) +목적어(능동의 의미) + 동/원

+ get + 목적어 + to 동/원

+ 사역(let/make/have/get) + 목적어(수동의 의미) + p.p

주어 + be + 지각/사역동사의 p.p + to 동/원

ex) There is no one to make you (do/to do) your assignment.

She wouldn't let me (read/to read) the letter.

She wouldn't get me (read/to read) the letter.

I hear her (open/to open) the door.

He made me (do/to do) the work.

= I was made (to do/do) the work by him.

<연습 문제>

1. Tom let me (drive/to drive) his car yesterday.

2. I watched him (steal/to steal) the design.

3. Her children were made (go out/to go out) at night.


4) to 부정사의 행위 주체인 의미상 주어 확인

point) 주어 + 동사 + 목적어 + to 동/원

주어 + 동사 + (형용사) + for 목적격 + to 동/원

주어 + 동사 + 사람의 성격 형용사 + of + 목적격 + to 동/원

ex) It is difficult (for/of) him to cross the bridge alone.

I told my son (to help/helping) the work.

It takes four hours for him (to finish/finish) the work.

It is impossible for children (to deal/deal) with the social problems.

It was kind (of/for) you to help me.

5) to 부정사의 시제

point) 주어 + 동사 + to 동/원(앞에 동사와 시제 일치)

주어 + 동사 + to have p.p(앞에 동사보다 시제가 앞섬)

ex) I think him (to be/to have been) a fool before.

She seems to be rich = It seems that she (is/was) rich.

She seems to have been rich = It seems that he (is/was) rich.

She seemed to be rich = It seemed that she (was/had been) rich.

She seemed to have been rich = It seemed that she (was/had been) rich.

6) to부정사를 대신하는 가주어, 가목적어

point) To ~ + 동사 + 형용사/명사

= It + be + 형용사/명사 + to 동/원

주어 + 동사 + to 동/원 ~ + 형용사/명사

= 주어 + 동사 + it + 형용사/명사 + to 동/원

ex) It is impossible for us (imagine/to imagine) life without computers.

To be a good person is hard = It is hard (be/to be) a good person.

I found it difficult (ride/to ride) a horse.

<연습 문제>

1. Someone says that (read/to read) books rapidly is related to one's IQ.

2. It is not a good way (follow/to follow) his order.

3. I think (X/it) difficult to master English in one or two years.

4. He made (X/it) a rule to wake up at 6 o'clock every morning.


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