
텝스비법노트 텝스학습에 성공한 고수들의 비법이나 좋은 학습 방법을 나누는 게시판입니다.


한 눈에 보이는 문법 공식 (1)수의 일치

맘마미아 | 조회 10559 | 추천 9
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열심히들 공부하세요^^


1. 수의 일치

1) 주어와 동사가 멀리 떨어져 있는 경우

point) 주어 + (전치사 + 명사) + 동사(수일치)

to 동사

관계 대명사절(who~, which, that ~)

관계 부사절(where, when, why~, how~)

, 동격어구 ,

, ing ~ ,

, p.p ~ ,

ex) The people who live on the desert (move/moves) about a great deal.

The fact that everyone knows, eventually thought it isn't opened by

many non-government groups, (means/mean) justice.


2) 주격 관계대명사 뒤에 나오는 동사는 선행사에 수 일치

point) ~ 명사 + that/who/which + 동사 ~

ex) They are dealing with the toy that (is/are) like part of the family.

We know the man who (speak/speaks) English well.

3) 동명사/부정사가 주어인 경우 단수 취급

point) Ing ~

To ~

What ~ V(단수동사)

Whether ~

That ~

ex) Eating dinner with family also (helps/help) to improve regular eating


Waiting for a long time (has/have) been a mistake.

To analyze the data (is/are) the most import!ant mission.

What I should do (is/are) the first choice.

Whether he has a degree (is/are) very import!ant.

That human beings can think (is/are) another matter.

4) The number of + 단수 동사 A number of + 복수 동사

The + 형용사 = 형용사 + people + 복수 동사

ex) A number of listening tests (contain/contains) short statements in the

form of instructions or dictations.

The number of people who have visited these temples (is/are)


A number of students in our school (has/have) been to the new

amusement park.

The rich (is/are) not always happy.

5) 주어가 접속사로 연결된 경우 수 일치

point) A or B

either A or B

neither A nor B + 동사(B에 일치)

not A but B

not only A but also B(= B as well as A)

ex) Either the students or the teacher (has/have) your book.

(Do/Does) either the students or the teacher have your book?

Not only the mice but also the cat (wants/want) to live peacefully.

The mice as well as the cat (survives/survive) the accident.

6) 주어와 동사가 도치된 문장에서의 수 일치

point) 부정부사(never, little, hardly, scarcely + 동사(수일치) + 주어

seldom, not only, no sooner)

유도 부사 There

전치사구 (전치사 + 명사)

So + 형용사/부사

ex) Never (has/have) he seen a beautiful woman like Piona.

Little (does/do) he imagine that he will pass the exam.

There (is/are) some evidences that the suspect cannot escape.

Among the apples (was/were) the blue one thrown away.

So import!ant (is/are) the problems that we can't miss them.

<연습 문제>

1. Seldom (has/have) she seen such brutality.

2. There (is/are) a number of books to read.

3. Among the trees (is/are) the very special tree that I planted for myself.

4. So innocent (is/are) the man that everyone likes him.



7) 부분을 나타내는 것은 of 뒤에 쓰인 명사에 수 일치

point) some of

most of

the rest of + 복수 명사/단수 명사

half of

분수 of

percent of

ex) Half of Korean people (likes/like) the soap opera.

The rest of the apple (was/were) rotten.

The rest of the apples (was/were) rotten.

About three-fifths of the houses (is/are) reconstructed.

40 percent of the book (was/were) written by students.

<연습 문제>

1. Most of the men (was/were) injured in the accident.

2. 20 percent of the onion (was/were) used for appetizer.

3. One forth of the students (is/are) going to college.

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