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해커스어학원, 해커스토익, 토익강좌, 수강신청, 토익수강신청

Happiness indicator

Jeff | 조회 582 | 추천 4
  • 2022.03.24
  • 글꼴
  • 확대
  • 축소
There is a world ranking about happiness indicator, which made public every year. 
Most of all, nordic countries like Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland etc. top the list. 
I'm always wondering why they are all the time placed to the top ranking. 
Watching some analysis, I could figure out 'relative deprivation' as a key word. 
Even though these contries are capitalist countries, their social systems are quite close to socialism. 
Thus, there is very little weatlh gap among population. Comparison with others, flexing luxurious lives are not consierded good social behavior. 
Moreover, these countires have few corruption. their populations feel less unfair. 
That's my conclusion. 
번호 제목 글쓴이 조회수 날짜
1354 Parasol [1] Jeff 615
1353 Mid-term exam [1] Jeff 593
1352 Commencement speakers Jeff 617
1351 Shooting rampage [1] Jeff 588
1350 IQ and jobs [1] Jeff 582
1349 Problems with bottled water [5] Good 615
1348 Five tips to make people like you [2] Good 608
1347 Ironical [3] Jeff 616
1346 1 smile = 2000 bars of chocolate [2] Good 573
1345 Brain ability age limitation [2] Good 546
1344 Don't sleep on light [1] Good 625
1343 Big Decisions make you happy [1] Good 519
1342 Will Smith [2] Jeff 578
1341 Microplastics in human blood [1] Good 373
1340 Phone may be making you look old [2] Good 527
1339 How long does Corona Virus last on surfa... [1] Good 550
1338 Daylight [1] Good 603
1337 Russian Forces Jeff 559
1336 color changable car [2] Good 587
>> Happiness indicator [4] Jeff 583
1334 Doomed flight Jeff 558
1333 EPL Jeff 545
1332 Rolling Stones Jeff 554
1331 Politics Jeff 512
1330 Military volunteer Jeff 528
1329 Common Covid Jeff 494
1328 Teen moms Jeff 537
1327 Cigarette ban Jeff 517
1326 Manufactured Kimchi Jeff 569
1325 Swimming cap [1] Jeff 515

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해커스어학원, 해커스토익, 토익강좌, 수강신청, 토익수강신청

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