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The Multi-Billion Dollar Coffee Industry

A true coffee aficionado would be very familiar with the words Arabica and Robusta. These are kinds of coffee beans that contribute to the 100-billion-dollar coffee industry. The boom in the coffee industry started in the 20th century when more countries cultivated coffee as the worldwide demand increased. The intense competition towards the production of the best coffee in the market made every country strive to yield the perfect coffee bean. The challenge is carried on to this day as big companies like Tim Horton’s and Starbucks continue with the venture.

Coffee in its natural state has a distinct bitter taste and soothing aroma. It may be mixed with sweeteners and creamers but the taste of coffee remains. Studies suggest that the aroma from freshly brewed coffee can shove sleep away, trigger good memories and stimulate brain function. Despite having caffeine, a highly addictive substance, drinking coffee has its favorable effects, making coffee production a money generating industry.

Another reason for the boom in the coffee business may be due to the health benefits that result from drinking coffee. Some experts claim that coffee can boost one’s metabolic rate hence helping in weight loss. Coffee is also said to increase adrenaline levels in the body allowing people to be physically stronger. Others say coffee decreases the risk of acquiring certain kinds of diseases like diabetes, liver cirrhosis, dementia, Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease.

The social impact of coffee also contributes to its continued success in the market. Drinking coffee in a regular household is believed to create a closer bond among couples and families. At work, it serves an ice breaker. One thing that some employees look forward to as they finish assigned tasks is a cup of hot coffee. It keeps employees from the graveyard shift up and about as they try to function against their normal circadian rhythm. Coffee facilitates socialization and helps people function with ease. It is a wonderful addition to people’s lives.

Coffee may remain ubiquitous among people for a long period of time. Statistics show that coffee has dug itself deep into people’s modern day culture that it is now part of everyday life. Coffeehouses and cafés are popping up like mushrooms everywhere. Coffee parties are held all over, as if having them is a way for people to celebrate the wonders of coffee. Movies, television shows and also fictional books highlight the coffee culture. Due to coffee’s high impact in the society, it ranks second to crude oil as the most internationally traded product. Coffee had humble beginnings but its spectacular traits brought it to every breakfast buffet.

질문&어휘 문법TIPs 해석

1. How did the success of the coffee industry start?

2. What are some of the diseases that coffee can reduce?

3. What made people like drinking coffee so much?


aficionado 마니아

venture 모험

stimulate 자극하다

dementia 치매

graveyard shift 야간 근무

circadian 생물학적 주기의

ubiquitous 어디에나 있는

spectacular 화려한

자료제공 EDU TIMES EBS english 컨텐츠 제공

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