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Merits and Demerits of Nationalism

Nationalism is sometimes an arbitrary concept. People have differing notions about it. Some people see it as a positive and necessary force for a nation to survive and succeed, while others see it as an obsolete idea.

Time has proven that nationalism brings many good things to any nation that faces any kind of endeavor.

Nationalism helps achieve economic, scientific, and technological advancements. It acts like glue that instills pride among people. Pride defines a nation’s identity and builds cooperation and unity.When people cooperate and are united, it is easier to stir progress and productivity in any kind of economic system.

People who are united as one nation will conquer any crisis effectively and easily. Because nationalism is like glue, it also makes a nation steadfast, making the old adage, “United we stand, divided we fall,” true. On the contrary, it would be difficult for a nation to overcome national crises when its people are divided.

Nationalism liberates the people. It frees the people from oppressive or colonial rule. Historically speaking, many countries gained independence because of the emphasis on nationalism. Furthermore, when a strong sense of nationalism is finally achieved by the people, it makes them less vulnerable to oppressive forces that previously controlled them.

Although nationalism has been generally perceived as a positive force, it also has some demerits in a contemporary society.

Nationalism is hardly relevant in the modern era. It used to be necessary for people to form tribes for survival’s sake. However, since a lot has changed, nationalism has become harmful. It encourages unnecessary conflicts between nations on the grounds of differences. In the 21st century, what people should celebrate instead are their similarities and common grounds.

Extreme nationalistic movements could arise from too much emphasis on nationalism. Pride in one’s country sometimes makes people perceive other races as inferior, while perceiving their own as the supreme one. As a result, it could lead to racism and social prejudices that have no place in today’s multicultural settings.

Nationalism can be used by the ruling class as a means for social control over the masses. Just like any type of ideology, it can be used by the ruling class to make the masses work towards a result that may only benefit a nation but not its people. For instance, the ruling class could take control of a nation’s mode of production by making use of its labor force to achieve an economic superpower status.

질문&어휘 문법TIPs 해석

Nationalism has made it possible for many nations to survive and succeed. However, since we are moving towards a more united world, nationalism is perceived by some as a force that is not entirely positive. What about you? Are you in favor of or against nationalism?

1. Nationalism helps achieve economic, scientific, and technological advancements.
2. People who are united as one nation will conquer any kind of crisis effectively and easily.
3. Nationalism liberates the people from oppressive or colonial rule.

1. Nationalism is hardly relevant in the modern era.
2. Extreme nationalistic movements could arise from too much emphasis on nationalism.
3. Nationalism can be used by the ruling class as a means for social control.


arbitrary 임의적인

instill 주입시키다, 스며들게 하다

steadfast 변함없는

oppressive 억압적인

contemporary 현대의, 동시대의

tribe 부족, 종족

supreme 최고의

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