
텝스자료실 텝스학습에 유용한 자료들이 모여있는 텝스보물창고입니다. 저작권에 위배되는 자료의 등록은 자제해주세요.



독해지기 | 조회 5434 | 추천 4
  • 2009.07.29
  • 글꼴
  • 확대
  • 축소
861. I don't care what that says.    = I don't mind what that says.
    = I could care less what that says.    = It doesn't bother me.
862. I might lose my job.     = I might get fired. cf) fire: 사격, 해고
    = I might get caned.   cf) can: 조동사, 깡통
863. This might help.    This might work.
    * might 대신에 will, ought to (발음 주의), maybe도 사용 가능
864. Don't even joke about that.   = Don't kid.
    = Don't say thing about that. Sometime, it could be serious.
865. I'll give it a shot.   = I'll try it.    = Give me chance.
866. I've had a bad night.    = I've had a awful night.
    = I've had a terrible night.    = I've had a miserable night.
867. Let me do this.  = I'll do this.
868. My voice is scratchy.(목이 쉬어서 바람 새는 소리가 나다)   = I'm hoarse.
869.  He obeys the speed limit.    → 그는 제한 속도를 잘 지켜요.
870. He is a very safe driver.    → 그는 운전을 아주 조심스럽게 해요.
* Buddy
   옛날 Boy, man     요즘 남녀 구별 없음
   의미 : Pal, friend
* Winnerbago : Old, Huge, Big, Long Car and kinds of popular old Car.
      Large back seat, Big back trunk, kitchen, bunk, bathroom  = Motor Home
* (도로의) 차선은 line을 쓰지 않고  " lane "으로 표현을 합니다.
   ex) * a 16-lane high way : 16차선 도로
       * a blind lane : 막다른 골목
871. I'm very concerned about what we eat.   → 나는 먹는 것에 관심이 많아요.
872. I'm not expecting anyone.  → 올 사람이 없는데요.
873. Is someone at your door?   → 문에 누가 왔나요 ?
874. I have talent for this kind of work.   = I have talent in field.
     = I have real talent for this work.    = I'm the person for this kind of work.
      전 이일에 소질이 있어요.
875. GMP is very is very helpful for English study.  "GMP"는 영어 공부에 많은 도움을 줍니다.
     = Listening to GMP will help you sharpen your English skill.
     = To listen to GMP is very helpful in studying English.
     = You can improve your English by listening to GMP.
876. What's your favorite radio program?  가장 좋아하는 채널은 무엇 인가요?  
877. Turn into KBS FM please.     KBS FM으로 다이얼을 맞춰 주세요.
     = Tune it to KBS FM, please.   = Put on KBS FM, please.
     = Can you change at KBS FM, please.   KBS FM 채널로 돌려주시겠어요 ?
878. What's this for ?   = What will you use this for ? 이거 뭐하는데 쓰시게요?
    = What's the point of this ?    = What's the purpose of this ? 
879. I delay to fax some documents to you, please adjust your machine
     accordingly.    팩스를 보내려고 하는데 팩스 좀 연결해 주세요.
    = I'm faxing some documents over you, please adjust your machine.
    = I'm in the process of faxing you some documents.
    = I'd like to send a fax over you, please adjust your machine.
880. She sounded great on the phone 그녀는 전화 목소리가 상당히 괜찮더군요.
     = She sounded great over the phone. = She has a wonderful phone voice.
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