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텝스 청해 - 의문사 의문문 정리

에너지왕 | 조회 8933 | 추천 5
  • 2009.12.22
  • 글꼴
  • 확대
  • 축소

텝스 청해 - 의문사 의문문 정리


What : 기본적으로 내용을 묻는다.

1. What’s that on you shirt?

(a) It looks good on you.

(b) Oh, it’s a juice stain.

(c) It’s present for my friend.

(d)I really love your shirt.

Possible Answers ; Some spilt juice on me…

What+명사형 ; 주어와 시제에 주의한다.

2. What time should I call you?

(a) I have a lot of time.

(b) How about around six?

(c) It takes about an hour.

(d) I was supposed to call you.

Possible Answers ; Whenever you want…

What brings you here? 이유가 답으로 나와야 한다.

3. What brings you here?

(a) I came here by bus.

(b) I just arrived.

(c) I’ll bring some wine.

(d) I’ve got a conference.

Possible Answers ; I’m here to renew my driver’s license…

How do you like(find) ~? ; 의향을 묻는다.

1. How do you like you dish?

(a) It’s good but kind of spicy.

(b) I’d like to.

(c) No thanks, I’m full

(d) Please help yourself.

Possible Answers ; It’s out of this world…

How many ~? ; 숫자를 묻는다.

2. How many bags will you be checking?

(a) I have nothing to declare.

(b) Right, you should check it out.

(c) Just this one , and I will carry the other.

(d) The baggage claim area is over there.

Possible Answers ; How many can I check without extra change?...

How much ~?: 보통 금액이 답으로 나온다.

3. How much do I owe you?

(a) I’ll give you money back.

(b) Don’t worry about it.

(c) It comes to 53 dollars.

(d) I owe you big time

Possible Answers ; That will be 100 dollars…

How long ~? ; 답으로 since, for, about 등을 찾는다.

4. How long have you work with Mr. Johnson?

(a) I can’t walk any more.

(b) For about two years.

(c) He left a week ago.

(d) He is a great assistant.

Possible Answers ; Since last year.

How far ~? 얼마나 떨어져 있는지를 묻는다.

5. How far is the nearest post office?

(a) We can’t go there.

(b) It’s a ten-minute walk.

(c) It’s not that far.

(d) You can’t miss it.

Possible Answers ; It’s ten miles away…

How late ~? ; 끝나는 시각을 묻는다.

6. How late are you open today?

(a) We close at five.

(b) We’ll be open early tomorrow.

(c) I’m afraid it’s too late now.

(d) I’ll see you tomorrow

Possible Answers ; We will be open till five…

How often ~? ; 횟수를 묻는다.

7. How often do I have to take this medicine?

(a) At 10 o’clock.

(b) For three hours.

(c) On Saturday.

(d) Three time a day.

Possible Answers ; Every five hours…

How about ~? 할까요?

8. How about going shopping this weekend?

(a) That sounds great!

(b) It’s going well

(c) I can’t make a reservation.

(d) You’d better shop around.

Possible Answers ; I’m afraid I have to work on my paper this weekend…

How would you like ~ ? 방법을 묻는다.

9. How would you like your egg?

(a) Two will be enough.

(b) I’ll have them with soda.

(c) I’d like them poached.

(d) Well done, please.

Possible Answers ; Hard-boiled, please…

When ; 시간 부사를 듣는다.

1. When will my car be ready?

(a) I’m all set to go.

(b) You can pick it up in the afternoon.

(c) Last week.

(d) That’s anybody’s guess.

Possible Answers ; Sometime next week…

Where ; 장소의 관련된 함정에 조심하자.

2. Where can I catch the train to Philadelphia?

(a) The ticket counter is over there.

(b) At Platform 10.

(c) In about 30 minutes.

(d) One -way or round trip?

Possible Answers ; At track 5…

Why ; 이유를 묻는다.

3. Why aren’t you at work? Is something wrong with you?

(a) Yeah, I don’t like the work.

(b) Because I stayed up last night.

(c) My mother suddenly passed out in the morning.

(d) I have a lot of work today.

Possible Answers ; I took a day off. Didn’t you know?...

Why don’t we/you ~? ; 전형적인 제안문이다.

4. Why don’t we go to the movies?

(a) I’ll go over by bus.

(b) I’d love to, but can I take a rain check?

(c) Sorry, l forget all about it.

(d) I skipped dinner tonight.

Possible Answers ; I’m sorry. I need to prepare for my upcoming exam…

Which ; or가 함께 나온다.

5. Which would you like, tea or coffee?

(a) With cream, please

(b) I don’t drink

(c) Whatever is fine.

(d) Black, please.

Possible Answers ; Don’t you have soda?...

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