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Pescetarianism among Millennials

Millennials are becoming more conscious about their health, so aside from trying to become more physically active, they are also becoming mindful of the food they eat. While some have totally eliminated meat from their diets to become vegetarians, there are also those who still consume seafood but not any other type of animal meat. Such a diet is called pescetarianism.

The word “pescetarianism” is a portmanteau of the Italian word “pesce,” which means fish, and the English word “vegetarianism,” which means the practice of not eating meat. This kind of diet used to be common only among people who did not have ready access to meat and those who lived near bodies of water where there is a steady supply of seafood. These days, however, more and more people are adopting this kind of diet because of reasons like moral concerns related to the slaughtering and breeding of animals for food, religious restrictions, and transitioning from a regular diet to vegetarianism.

For millennials, the most common reasons for shifting to pescetarianism include concerns about environmental issues, concern for animal welfare, and the health benefits of not eating animal products. Some believe that pescetarianism give a person a cleaner mind and body which will allow him or her to focus better on his or her life tasks. There are also millennials who choose to be pescetarians because they are surrounded by people who no longer eat meat. For these people, being a pescetarian is both practical and convenient.

The increasing number of pescetarians has paved the way for businesses that are related to this special kind of diet. More restaurants are now offering pescetarian-friendly dishes to give pescetarians easier access to the types of food they can eat. Chefs and cooks are also creating new seafood-based dishes that will give pescetarians more options as they adopt a diet that is meat-free. Activities that have the same goals and rationales are also becoming more famous because many pescetarian millennials are also into physical fitness activities like marathon and cycling.

Studies say that since most of pescetarians these days are millennials, it is possible that fewer people will be eating meat in the future. Some experts even say that in the coming years, it is possible that people will live in a pescetarian society. They say that this may give a lot of positive effects, but pescetarians should be conscious about getting enough protein sources and consuming balanced diets. Pescetarianism, just like any other diet, has its pros and cons, so people must learn to highlight the benefits and manage its limitations.

질문&어휘 문법TIPs 해석

1. What is pescetarianism?


2. Why is pescetarianism becoming common among millennials?


3. What are the benefits of pescetarianism?



mindful 의식하는, 염두에 두는

eliminate 없애다

portmanteau 복합적인

slaughtering 도살

rationale 이유

protein 단백질

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