
영어로만말해요 영어로 자유롭게 대화를 나누는 곳입니다. 반드시 영어만 사용해주세요.

mymy | 조회 3064 | 추천 27
  • 2015.10.22
  • 글꼴
  • 확대
  • 축소

I'm getting depressed , I guess, because I don't socialize with people at all ( I don't go to meet people).

I try to restrain myself from doing it, for I have an important exam coming up. I'm realizing how significant socialization is to human mental health. I also get stressed about, feeling the flesh (mostly fat) of mine, a definite sign of obesity. Only thing that is lovely around me is my lively, cute dog, yet I can't appreciate that fully because my mood is so down. I wish I have a close friend to talk to in this neighborhood. I have some but they are abroad. Oh, by the way, it feels like writing a diary, which, I suppose, I'm not supposed to write on this bulletin board, for "Speaking English only." I'm sorry if it bothers you, who's reading.

I really wish I have friends here, or get to make friends here.

Yes, I know , the only solution is to go somewhere regularly and make friends

and some of them might be nice enough to keep in touch with for longer.

Who are you dependent on? God?

At the end of the life, we are all alone,

of course,

but I can't get used to it yet. Maybe, I'm too young.

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